

TARKON WASU MATAN Completed Hausa Novel Document Written By Sayyada Tahir

TARKON WASU MATAN is a compelling read that sheds light on the challenges faced by young women in conservative societies. The novel’s themes are relevant to contemporary discussions around gender roles, sexuality, and relationships. Sayyada Tahir’s writing style makes the story accessible and engaging, making it a must-read for anyone interested in African literature.


TARKON WASU MATAN is a Hausa love novel written by Sayyada Tahir that tells the story of a young woman named Zeenat who is navigating the complex world of love and relationships. The novel begins with Zeenat saying goodbye from her evening prayer when her phone rings. The caller is a young man who addresses her as “princess” and “son of God,” leaving Zeenat flustered. She quickly changes her clothes and meets the caller, Murfin, who takes her on a drive.

During the drive, Murfin compliments Zeenat and touches her breast. They park the car, and Murfin sucks her breast while Zeenat touches his genitals. Afterward, they continue to touch each other, with Murfin wanting to have sex. However, Zeenat refuses, fearing the punishment that comes with premarital sex. Murfin begs her, but Zeenat remains steadfast in her decision.

Throughout the novel, Zeenat also interacts with other characters, including her friend Ummah, who criticizes her for her beauty and youthfulness. Zeenat struggles with the societal expectations placed on her as a woman and the pressure to conform to traditional gender roles. She also navigates her feelings for Murfin, who wants to be in a committed relationship with her.

TARKON WASU MATAN explores themes of love, relationships, and societal expectations in the context of Hausa culture. The novel sheds light on the challenges faced by women in conservative societies, where gender roles are rigidly defined, and premarital sex is taboo. Zeenat’s character represents a new generation of women who are pushing back against these norms and seeking greater autonomy in their relationships.

Sayyada Tahir’s writing style is engaging and captures the nuances of Hausa culture. The dialogues are witty and realistic, and the characters are well developed. The novel also includes vivid descriptions of the settings, which transport the reader to the streets of Bauchi State.

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