

Queen Badi’atul Nauwara waged a battle against the mess, finding solace in her bed as sunlight gently touched her face. Opening her eyes, tears welled up as her friend, Queen Anisa, sat beside her on the sofa, brushing away the dust from her eyes. Whispering, Anisa expressed shock and panic, questioning the situation and hoping their secret remained undisclosed.

Anisa chuckled, acknowledging that they had entered a non-existent continent, making it challenging for King Shamsal to locate them. However, they would encounter the adversaries and traps set by the villains along their path. Now alone, Badi’atul Nauwara felt a sense of urgency and asked about the problem that worried Anisa.

Anisa shared her plan to call the experts within an hour, the servants of King Shamsal, who would investigate and eventually discover the room Badi’atul Nauwara was in. This would confirm their accusations against them. There was only one way to escape this predicament, Anisa explained—they needed to change Badi’atul Nauwara’s appearance.

Baffled, Badi’atul Nauwara questioned how it would be possible. Anisa suggested destroying the other side of her body and mouth, the parts that had come into contact with the bed where she slept. Once washed at dawn, the blackened skin would fade away. However, Badi’atul Nauwara expressed concern about the impact on her health.

Anisa reassured her, offering her trust as a friend and promising to alleviate any worries in her heart and mind. Badi’atul Nauwara hesitated, aware of Anisa’s pregnancy, but ultimately decided to trust her. Anisa then mentioned a favor she sought—she wanted a woman close to Badi’atul Nauwara’s age and appearance to perform the task.

Badi’atul Nauwara made a resolute decision, assuring Anisa that she trusted her as a friend and accepted her proposal. She suggested they find a professional woman around the age of forty-six, someone experienced and capable of executing the transformation. They left the room together, headed towards another part of the royal residence.

Upon reaching their destination, they halted at someone’s door. Inside the small room, Anisa urged Badi’atul Nauwara to enter, her heart pounding with anticipation and uncertainty. As Badi’atul Nauwara stepped inside, she noticed a woman sitting there. Ummulkhairi, her eyes filled with tears, wore a smile on her face.

Ummulkhairi, recognizing Badi’atul Nauwara, expressed surprise and humility. But Badi’atul Nauwara reassured her that it was not the time for formalities, and she kneeled respectfully before Ummulkhairi. Explaining her concerns, Badi’atul Nauwara shared her doubts about her daughter’s ability to forget her mother.

Ummulkhairi assured her, recounting the moments they had spent together, emphasizing the deep bond they shared. To reaffirm her words, she guided Badi’atul Nauwara to a large mirror on the wall. As Badi’atul Nauwara faced her reflection, she noticed a scar, a mark from a past wound. Memories flooded back, recalling the incident from seven years ago.

Overwhelmed with emotions, Badi’atul Nauwara embraced Ummulkhairi, acknowledging her as her mother since childhood. She recounted how Ummulkhairi had cared for her, washing her body without fear. Stripping off her clothes,