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Sydney McIldoon Obituary News: WDM officers and Sir Knights of Portadown Royal Black District Mourns, County Grand Lecturer Sydney McIldoon

Sydney McIldoon Obituary News: WDM officers and Sir Knights of Portadown Royal Black District Mourns, County Grand Lecturer Sydney McIldoon

The sudden deaths of Sir Knight and Brother Sydney McIldoon last evening devastated the WDM officers and Sir Knights of Portadown Royal Black District Chapter No. 5.

Sydney, a well-liked member of the neighborhood, tragically perished in a car accident close to his house.

The fact that Sydney’s wife is still in the hospital after the same occurrence adds to the agony.

Our condolences and sincere prayers go out to Sydney’s family and close friends during this time of loss.

The community laments the loss of a beloved member, and the loss of such a well-known figure creates a hole that is difficult to fill.

Sydney McIldoon was a gentleman in every sense of the word, not simply a knight. His devotion to the ideals of the Loyal Orders was admirable, both north and south of the border.

Sydney went above and beyond, voluntarily making lengthy trips to give lectures and support to different groups within the Loyal Orders.

His dedication to fostering harmony and understanding between various communities served as evidence of his virtue.

Sydney McIldoon was a man of tremendous integrity and kindness whose selfless service touched many people’s lives.

He left an enduring impression on everyone who was lucky enough to come into contact with him, embodying the spirit of fraternity and friendship that characterizes the Loyal Orders to this day.

Sydney’s passing affects not just his immediate family but also the larger community that benefited from his selfless work.

His legacy will never cease to uplift and serve as a constant reminder of the value of kindness, harmony, and service.

The passage from the Book of Job that comes to mind as we say goodbye to this amazing person is, “If a man dies, shall he live again? I would wait for my renewal until the end of my service days (Job 14:14).

The Loyal Orders’ history will bear witness to Sydney McIldoon’s contributions, and his legacy will endure in the hearts of all who knew him. In conclusion, we take comfort in the recollections of a life well lived and a legacy that will last through the pages of history as we grieve the loss of Sir Knight Sydney McIldoon.

Rest in peace until we cross paths again.