
Steven M. Wise Obituary News: In Loving Memory of Steven M. Wise

Steven M. Wise Obituary News: In Loving Memory of Steven M. Wise

We regret to inform you of the demise of our dear friend, president, and founder, Steven M. Wise. After a valiant battle against a protracted illness, Steven died away yesterday. Words cannot begin to fill the emptiness left by his death, and we are terribly saddened by his passing.

Steven was more than simply a leader; he was a beacon of hope and unflinching resolve that motivated all of us. Though confronted with innumerable challenges, he greeted each day with a positive outlook and bravely advocated for wild animals. His unwavering advocacy was driven by his understanding of the injustices they face and his vision of a world in which their rights coexist with human rights.

Over the course of his forty-year career, Steven committed himself to the defense of nonhuman rights. He was regarded as a true visionary by legal scholars and practitioners, possessing a deep comprehension of social justice, science, history, and the law. His unmatched quest for fundamental reform will have a lasting effect on the field for future generations.

It was a purposeful and energetic experience to work with Steven. Steven’s presence was always uplifting, whether he was in the courtroom, debating legal decisions with the team, or just giving a word of encouragement at the end of a difficult day. Along with his unparalleled knowledge, he also contributed a self-deprecating sense of humor and a sincere concern for each team member’s welfare.

Though we are very saddened by his passing, Steven’s legacy endures in the unity and drive of our close-knit group. His steadfast dedication to our cause has created relationships that will see us through this trying period. We take comfort in the fact that, despite our sadness at his loss, we are determined to carry on the task he began.

We cannot adequately explain how much we shall miss you, Steven. Throughout your seventy-three years on this planet, you have shown an incredible commitment to improving the lot of all living things. We are privileged to continue your legacy and will always be indebted to you for your efforts. For however long it takes, even though your physical body is no longer with us, your spirit will never stop guiding and inspiring us as we pursue our goals. Peace be with you, my friend.