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Shawnita Hamill Sterett Obituary-Death News; Senior Director At Autodesk And A Resident Of Frisco, Texas Passes Away

Shawnita Hamill Sterett Obituary-Death News; Senior Director At Autodesk And A Resident Of Frisco, Texas Passes Away

The tech community is in shock over the unexpected passing of Shawnita Hamill Sterett, a reputable senior director at Autodesk and Frisco, Texas, resident.

On January 18, 2024, Sterett, who made a substantial impact on the IT industry, passed away. Her sudden passing has shocked everyone in her social and business networks.

At Autodesk, Sterett was a formidable force due to her extensive technological knowledge and leadership abilities. As a Senior Director, her responsibilities encompassed not only project management but also coaching and advising numerous aspiring professionals in the field.

She was greatly appreciated at Autodesk for her strategic thoughts, devotion, and dedication, therefore her passing is a great loss. Her absence was greatly felt as she was crucial to the company’s expansion.

Apart from her career accomplishments, Sterett enjoyed great affection in her hometowns of Frisco and Fort Worth, Texas. She was well-known for her generosity and readiness to lend a hand, and she made a good impression on everyone she came into contact with.

We offer our sincere condolences to Shawnita Hamill Sterett’s family, friends, coworkers, and everyone else impacted by her life as we honor her memory. Those in the technology industry and beyond will continue to draw inspiration and guidance from her legacy.