
Obtain Residence in Italy by Working As a “Freelancer”

Many young people use a variety of strategies to get residency in Italy; some want residency by marriage, while others seek residency through a work contract or a contract, and still others seek residency through study…

But have any of you considered gaining residency in Italy by working on a private account or as a “freelancer”?

Perhaps the majority of young people work as freelancers, but they never imagined that self-employment would help them gain residency in Italy


How to obtain residence in Italy by working in a private account

We will devote this article to explaining how an Arab person might obtain a residence visa in Italy as an independent contractor.

What is meant by working in a “Freelancer” account?

  • The act of working independently is known as freelancing, self-employment, or independent labor.
  • This means it is not affiliated with any particular company or organization and is not subject to the jurisdiction of the employer, management, or other.
  • Self-employment entails the freedom to work from home, a café, or anywhere else.
  • He can also work whenever he wants without being supervised or ordered by the firm manager, bosses, healer, etc.
  • A self-employed person is a true master of his or her own destiny.
  • Any self-employed person can simply immigrate to Italy and gain residency if all of the prerequisites for this type of immigration are met.


How can I immigrate to Italy for self-employment?

Within the constraints of the annual immigration quotas, it is possible to immigrate to Italy to work as a self-employed individual. Outside of the quotas, it is also feasible to immigrate to Italy, but admittance is extremely limited. A person who wishes to work as a self-employed person in Italy must get a self-employment entrance visa. They must demonstrate their ability to work and their financial capabilities.

Note: Self-employed individuals who are permitted to enter Italy are identified and included in the annual entry decree. Those who want to work in Italy in 2019 must wait for the release of a financial decree that is announced each year. Businessmen, professionals, members of non-cooperative enterprises that have been in operation for at least three years, worldwide academics, prominent artists… have all been identified in recent years.


How can I obtain an Italian visa for self-employment?

If you want to work in Italy and are subject to the immigration decree’s quotas, The procedures will be different depending on the type of professional activity you will be performing in Italy. There are two kinds of professional activities: those that must be registered and those that do not.


Professional activities that must be registered in the public relations register:

If self-employment is to be registered with the company registry, a permit or license must be obtained, as well as registration with the public relations registry, the filing of a complaint or statement, and any other administrative requirements.

The individual must make an application to the competent administrative authorities. Alternatively, a private lawyer (with a sworn translator accepted by the Italian Consulate in the country of origin) might be appointed to demonstrate that there are no hurdles to the issuing of a work permit on a private account.

If particular qualifications or business licenses are not necessary, the license can be obtained straight from the Chamber of Commerce to begin the business.

In order to create a firm, the Chamber of Commerce needs the individual to produce a statement of financial resources. The financial resources must be greater than the yearly social check, which is predicted to be 5,749.90 euros. Professional activities that are exempt from registration in the public relations register:

An activity that is not listed in the company registration or does not require a permit or license cannot be registered in the public relations register.


Professional activities that are not required to be registered in the public relations register:

An activity that is not listed in the company registration or does not require a permit or license cannot be registered in the public relations register.

These are some examples of such activities:

  • Consulting services
  • Contracts that are coordinated
  • Consistent collaboration

In this scenario, the relevant department is not required to submit the documentation required to apply for an Italian visa. The following are the requirements for acquiring an Italian visa for self-employment:


To apply for a work visa in Italy, a person must meet the following requirements:

  • Proof of sufficient housing in Italy (contract for a house, apartment rental, letter of invitation, etc.)
  • Financial resources to cover expenses (must be greater than 8,400 euros); payment of health insurance taxes; presentation of these documents by a private lawyer;
  • The application is also sent to the local police to confirm that the individual does not pose a threat to state security.
  • The application for a no-objection document must be submitted to the police department along with all self-employment documentation, including certificates granted by the appropriate authorities.


What to do after obtaining a no-objection document from the police?

After obtaining a no-objection document from the police, the self-employed individual can apply for an Italian visa at an Italian embassy or consulate.

A self-employment visa holder can get a residence permit in Italy for a duration of 180 days from the date of issuance. After that, he or she can apply for a work permit in Italy within 8 days of arriving. The maximum stay in Italy is two years and is renewable. A person can gain permanent residence in Italy after 5 years.