

MUTUM DA DUNIYARSA Completed Hausa Novel Document Written By Bilyn Abdul

MUTUM DA DUNIYARSA Completed Hausa Novel Document Written By Bilyn Abdul

MUTUM DA DUNIYARSA is a novel that tells the story of the lives of people in a small village in Jigawa State, Nigeria. The novel revolves around the lives of several characters, including an old woman called Hajja, a young girl named Aisha, and a pregnant woman named Jummai, whose life hangs in the balance.

The story begins with Hajja visiting a small house in the village where she meets with Ummah and Aisha. The three women discuss Jummai’s condition, who is in labor and experiencing severe pain. Despite being pregnant with her fourth child, Jummai has been in labor for a long time, and her condition is deteriorating rapidly.

The novel explores the relationships between the characters and their everyday struggles in life. Hajja is a strong and independent woman who cares for those around her. She is deeply concerned about Jummai’s condition and does all she can to help her. On the other hand, Aisha is a young girl who is more interested in listening to the radio and dreaming of a better life than she is in helping those around her.

As the story progresses, the characters’ lives become more intertwined. Jummai’s husband, Sandar, is absent for much of the story, and his absence is felt throughout the village. Aisha’s relationship with her father is also explored, and the difficulties she faces growing up in a village where women are not always given the same opportunities as men.

Despite the challenges faced by the characters, the novel also highlights the strength and resilience of the people in the village. They support each other through difficult times and find joy in the small things in life.

The novel is written in Hausa, a language spoken in West Africa, and is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the region. Bilyn Abdul’s writing is both beautiful and evocative, and she expertly captures the nuances of the characters’ lives.

MUTUM DA DUNIYARSA is a powerful and poignant novel that explores the complexities of life in a small village in Nigeria. It is a must-read for anyone interested in African literature and the lives of people in West Africa.

Description and Prolouge of MUTUM DA DUNIYARSA

She was crying with warm tears and heartache. The presence of the Niqab on her face prevented the appearance of her crying to people, although this did not prevent others from looking at her, especially those who believed in her.
       She walks calmly and coolly, her head down even though she is wearing a long hijab and niqab. Arriving at her destination, she pushed the door of the milk-colored house and entered with a salute.
      The old woman, who could not be less than fifty years old, got up from the well and answered Mata.
        “Wa’alaikissalam, do you think you’ve come back to taste?” Is Kobaki in the house?”
     Her niqaf was removed, her perfect face appeared, she let out a small smile and said, “Yes, our Ummah, I found that he went to the market”.
       Batareda waited for Umman Tasuba’s answer and went ahead. Umma followed her and watched, she didn’t believe it at all, it seemed that she hid from her the real things that happened there as she used to run away from her life. She calmed down a little while shaking Kai, then she put down her hand and tied the hand that was drawn by the water and headed towards the room where the girl entered.
        She sat down and picked Tagumi’s father and continued to cry, but hearing Ummansu’s goodbye, she quickly wiped her tears and replaced them with a smile. Just by looking at Umma, she was surprised at the depth of her daughter’s heart.
       The young woman’s words interrupted her thoughts.
      “Umma, what about Zarah, they haven’t come back yet?”.
       She sat next to her and said, “They are not coming back. Nafisar also called me and said that they will come back in the evening. They will do some work for her.”
        “Humm, that’s my love with Aunty Nafisa, you can’t go to her house and she doesn’t work for you, she likes her body too much, she and Zarah Umma”.
       Umma just smiled, but she lost nothing. At the window, the young woman stood up and said, *”JIDDAH!,* come back and sit down and we can talk”.
      There was no need for her to return to the place where she got up and sit down, “So Umma, look, what is she talking about?”
         Umma took a deep breath, before looking at Jiddah with her eyes.
      “Lah Umma, I’m looking for you, I don’t know. I went to the market.”
        “I don’t agree, Jiddah, I am your mother, all of you know the situation of each one, stop trying to hide things that are not new to me and my life”.
         “Umma, forgive me, I think it is useless to repeat words, forgiveness and forgetting what is said is the right thing”.
        “I all know that, Jeddah, the wide shop”.
      “Shikenan Umma since you moved.” I found Abba at home having breakfast, after we greeted him and Aunty Amarya, I told him that I wanted him to help us with money and they went back to vacation, but they didn’t pay the school fees. they will draw this year. Wlhy Umma don’t you see how Abba and Aunty Amarya raised minba, even Abba is saying that he won’t get tired of the frustration of *BIRTH OF DAUGHTER* and go back to GOD, as if we are surrounded by HIS WORLD, that’s why he can’t go forward and go back. , he does not benefit us, I am guilty of feeding him the food he does, the prince swore that he would never spend half of his money on studying, he better buy them caliph ice-cream because he knows that all the beatings in the future will benefit them…….. …” he cried, and he was unable to finish his words, then he started talking about Oman’s body.
       Umma was silent, and she was afraid to say anything, but Had’iye tried to do one thing, she was doing something in her mouth, while her hand was shaking behind Jiddah…….
       Jeddah interrupted the women’s thoughts and said, “Umma, why is this world trying to stop me, the other day I heard the words of Abba, it is true that we women do not have any use in this community, everyone sees our use from the time we are born until we get married and give birth, there is no contribution. that we can bring to our world, when we conceive, support him, give birth, raise him, raise him, raise him to a certain level, but WOMAN will start to be humiliated, WOMAN will start to be considered insignificant , the tree will begin to call the one with a small brain, the tree will begin to call the one with a small mind, the tree that starts looking at his shoes, how long, we are the leaders of the Ummah, but we are being turned into a fool. Umma, our father is like this, so how can my husband be angry with me? What about our Ummah Abba y……….”
       The Umma quickly shut Jidda’s mouth saying “Kul Jiddah karna sakeji, no matter who I am, he is your father, he does not deserve any kind of anger, prayer is our only weapon and forgiveness, kinji”.
        Kai Jiddah lifted Mata and wiped her tears.
      Umma said, “I’m just going to sell the chairs to go back to the school. They all say that they should play with their grades. Even if they get a secondary education, God will benefit them. A person will have something to look forward to wherever he finds himself.” , you don’t have any problems with your sister, may God give you a good husband who will take care of you like your sister deserves”.
           “Ameen Umma, but these seats should not be sold, let’s wait and pay for them.”

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