
Mike Vaz Obituary – Death: Springfield Public High School Sports Hall of Fame in 2013, Mike Vaz Passes Away

Mike Vaz Obituary – Death: Springfield Public High Schools Sports Hall of Fame in 2013, Mike Vaz Passes Away

Mike Vaz Obituary News: Sports have the ability to unite people, forge ties, and motivate us to pursue perfection. Mike Vaz, a basketball and football player, was a role model for many in the Springfield community.

Vaz received multiple honors for his extraordinary abilities on the court and in the field, including his 2013 admission into the Springfield Public High Schools Sports Hall of Fame. Vaz’s life, however, changed after being rendered paralyzed as a result of a shooting in 2013.

Who is Mike Vaz?

One of Springfield’s top high school athletes was Mike Vaz. He won The Republican’s 2002–03 Male High School Athlete of the Year award because he was the only player during his senior year at Commerce to be named both the regional football and basketball player of the year.

The Norman Dagenais and Angelo Bertelli Honors for football were also given to Vaz, recognizing him as one of Western Massachusetts’ most valued and talented athletes.

In addition, Vaz was named the 2002–03 John “Honey” Lahovich Award recipient for the region’s top basketball player.

What was his Cause Of Death?

Mike Vaz had a distinguished sports career at Commerce, but a horrific incident ended it. In 2013, he was shot and became paralyzed, which changed the course of his life. On the other hand, his stubbornness was a testament to his fortitude and resolve.

Vaz passed away today at the age of 38 due to a condition. In addition to speaking at events and bringing attention to gun violence, he used his circumstances to thrill and encourage people. His passing stunned a lot of people, and the Springfield community is currently in grief at the loss of a true hero.