
Mate Babic Obituary News; Died After Contracting Influenza B

Mate Babic from Canberra has been identified as another victim of influenza B, who reportedly passed away sadly in the early hours of Wednesday morning, July 12, 2023. May the soul rest in peace.

Mate death is a great lost to his loved ones and family as he left behind his wife Carla and their three children, Luka, 3, Sebastian, 6 and Marko, 7, may they be strengthened to bear the lost.

Carla stated after her husband’s death that he was a “healthy man, a great personality and a six foot four mountain of a man.

She further stated that “He was the adorable larrikin, full of banter, the life of the party who made everyone smile, It’s crazy that a healthy 6-foot-4 man can die from influenza B, it’s like we’re living in the 18th century, it’s like the plague.”

Carla contracted Influenza B early last week and on Friday Mate had a slight cough, but went about her normal day, cooking dinner for the kids and settling in for the night in front of the football.

By Tuesday he was so sick that he arranged a TeleHealth appointment with his GP, who told him he would have to come in person to sort out treatment and be properly evaluated.

The 37-year-old victim of influenza was reportedly struggling to sleep, had a high fever and was sweating, shaking, and had severe coughing fits, so he got up and ran a bath.

He returned to the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed, where he died. “It’s an absolute tragedy, I just don’t know what to do. It doesn’t even look real,’ Carla said.

‘From Saturday morning, where he was a bit unwell, until Wednesday morning and he left. “His parents woke up to their house flooded and his son dead.”

The couple did not get a flu shot after Carla had a bad reaction to the Pfizer Covid vaccine. She said they were “a little worried about having the flu shot.”

Carla had taken herself in for chest X-rays on Friday and blood tests after both she and Mate came down with influenza A in December, and Carla’s illness turned into pneumonia and she had to be admitted to the hospital.

“But I’m going to have to find a way to get it and sell it, as we can’t afford to stay here, which is devastating.” “

Carla further stated that, My children say, ‘Dad built this house’ and I have to sell it, I have to think about selling his legacy, it’s unbearable.” of his career working for himself and not being paid super. “He didn’t have all these things that are, like, I’ll do it tomorrow, like life insurance and all that because you don’t expect you to die, and especially not from the flu,”

After his sudden death, a GoFundMe has been set up to try to help the family with the financial burden. Carla hopes that by sharing her story, others will be more attentive and not end up in the same position as them.

“I think it’s very important to stress if you feel like you can’t breathe well, don’t think tomorrow I’m going to go or it will be better, just go to the hospital,” she said. “He had gone twice because he was paranoid, but he was like, ‘it’ll be fine, I’ll be fine.’”

He will be greatly missed by his loved ones and family. May they be strengthened to bear the lost. May his soul rest in peace.