
Kieron Howes Obituary: New Market Carnival Club Mourns Loss of a Legend; Kieron Howes Passes Away

Kieron Howes Obituary: New Market Carnival Club Mourns Loss of a Legend; Kieron Howes Passes Away, Kieron Howes was not just a carnival enthusiast; he was a beacon of vibrancy and joy in the carnival world. His involvement with the Bridgwater Belles and other clubs created deep connections and friendships within the carnival family. Beyond the glitz and glamour, Kieron was known for his warm and welcoming personality, making him a beloved figure among carnival enthusiasts. His spirit and dedication to the carnival community will forever be remembered.

Kieron Howes leaves behind a legacy that will be cherished by all who had the privilege of crossing paths with him. His contributions to the carnival community have left an indelible mark, and his absence will be deeply felt during future celebrations. Though we mourn the loss of a true legend, we take solace in knowing that his spirit will live on in the memories of those who shared the carnival stage with him. The camaraderie he fostered with the Bridgwater Belles and other clubs created a sense of unity that defines the carnival spirit.

In these difficult times, our thoughts and prayers are with Kieron’s family. Losing a loved one is never easy, and the carnival community stands together in offering support and condolences. Kieron’s impact extended far beyond the carnival scene, and the love and memories he leaves behind will be a source of comfort for his family in the days to come. May they find strength and solace in the outpouring of love from the carnival community.