
Hailey Holder Allen Obituary News; Hailey Has Peacefully Passed Away

Hailey Holder Allen has reportedly passed away peacefully yesterday around 5:40pm, July 14, 2023. whose death news was announced by her parents. May her soul rest in peace.

Hailey’s parent, Blake Allen and the mom stated in a Facebook post that  they were there with her when she peacefully passed away. May her soul rest in peace.

Blacl Allen stated on a Facebook post that “We are grateful that her suffering is finished but we are broken. We miss our girl. We miss her laugh, her spice, her “I love yous”, we miss everything already. As we woke up in an empty silent house this morning,”

Her parents further stated on facebook, requesting people to put theam in their prayers, “I just can’t believe she is really gone. Please pray for us as the days, weeks, months and years continue. We will never be ok but we will try our best to keep finding the joy each day as she would want us too.” Please kindly put her family and loved ones in your family.

She will be greatly missed by her loved ones and family. Please put them in your prayers. May they be strengthened to bear the lost. May her soul rest in peace.