

GIDANMU Completed Hausa Novel Document Written By Janafty

 GIDANMU is an excellent novel that captures the essence of love, family, and relationships. The author’s attention to detail and vivid descriptions of the characters and their surroundings make the story come alive. The novel is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a good love story set in a unique and beautiful setting. I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for an engaging and thought-provoking read.


Love stories are always intriguing and captivating. They have the power to transport readers to a different world, allowing them to experience emotions they may never have felt before. GIDANMU, a love story set in Kano State, written by Janafty, is no different. The novel is rich in vivid descriptions of the characters and their surroundings, which adds to the allure of the story.

The story begins in Gadan kaya, where the protagonist, Hannu, is getting ready for her day. The author paints a detailed picture of Hannu’s physical appearance, which helps readers visualize her better. She is a tall, curvaceous young woman with Fulani blood. Her description is striking, and it is evident that she is a beautiful woman. Hannu is a first-year student at BUK, and she often has morning lectures. She is also in love with YA YUSUF, who travels to Kaita to see her before going to work.

As the story progresses, we are introduced to other characters, such as Imu, Abba Tasan, and Kur. Imu seems to be struggling with his life, and his friends are worried about him. Abba Tasan is an old man with white hair, and his daughter, Maimunatu, is in love with YA YUSUF’s brother, Zaro. Kur is Maimunatu’s father and Abba Tasan’s friend.

The plot thickens when Hannu visits Abba Tasan, and Maimunatu is there. Hannu kneels before Abba Tasan, and Maimunatu bursts into tears. It is evident that there is a connection between these characters, and the story revolves around their relationships.

Janafty’s writing style is fluid and descriptive, which makes it easy for readers to immerse themselves in the story. The use of local language and dialects adds to the authenticity of the story, making it more relatable to readers who are familiar with the culture and traditions of the region.

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