

GIDAN GANDU Completed Hausa Novel Document Written By Sadi Sakhna

Gidan Gandu is a Hausa love novel written by Sadi Sakhna that delves into the lives and relationships of people in a village house in Northern Nigeria. The house is a large compound that accommodates over 300 people who live in the same environment. The story takes place on a typical day where people are going about their business. Some men have gone to the farm while others are working from home. The atmosphere in the house is calm, and everyone seems to be minding their own business.


However, the story quickly takes a turn when a young woman, Sameemah, is seen talking on her Nokia phone in her room. She is overheard having a conversation about Alhaji Sama’ila and politics, which suggests that she is involved in some shady dealings. Sameemah is interrupted when she hears her phone ringing and picks it up, becoming silent as she listens to the conversation on the other end.

Meanwhile, in another part of the house, a young girl is crying, and a member of the neighborhood is seen carrying her on his shoulder. Sameemah asks him how he is, and he tells her that the girl’s mother, Aunt Larai, and Aunt Karima are fighting with Uncle Shehu. This suggests that there is some tension and conflict within the household.

The story further reveals the intricate relationships that exist within the village house, as Sameemah engages in a heated argument with Sauri Sameerah over a bucket of water that Sameemah left outside. The argument escalates quickly, with Sameerah accusing Sameemah of being disrespectful and a thug. This shows that even within families, there are disagreements and conflicts that can lead to animosity and tension.

The novel also explores themes of love, as the title suggests. The characters in the story are not immune to the complexities of romantic relationships, and there are hints of love interests between some of the characters. For instance, Sameemah is heard talking about Burgu, whom she seems to be fond of, and wonders if he feels the same way about her. This shows that love and relationships are universal themes that cut across cultures and societies.

The story also touches on politics, which is a prevalent theme in Nigerian society. Sameemah’s involvement in politics suggests that there is a power struggle within the village house, and people are jostling for positions of influence and control.

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