
Elma Irene Obituary News: In Loving Memory of Elma Irene

Elma Irene Obituary News: In Loving Memory of Elma Irene

Born in Roscoe, Missouri, on October 17, 1933, Elma Irene “Winkie” McClanahan was the daughter of Clarence Theodore and Gladys Belisle McClanahan. She was part of a big, loving family, the sixth of twelve children. Winkie tragically suffered loss at an early age when, at the age of eleven, her father went away following a year-long illness.

A Life of Partnership and Devotion

At her family’s house outside Schell City, Winkie wed William Franklin Smith on June 5, 1949, the love of her life. They set out on a 52-year adventure of love and partnership together. Their shared experiences and mutual respect produced a strong tie that defined their life together, along with devotion and hard work. Winkie and Franklin were local farmers during their entire lives, caring for row crops, hay, horses, pigs, chickens, and bunnies.

Skills and Interests

Winkie was a multi-talented and passionate woman. Her mother taught her how to play the piano when she was little, instilling in her a passion of music. Winkie was baptized into the Schell City Christian Church, where she utilized her singing talent to serve the Lord. She was also a gifted chef, baker, and cake decorator, entertaining friends and family with her creations for a variety of events. Her famous baked hot buns were a testament to her hospitality and affection.

Participation of the Community

Serving others brought Winkie joy and she was very involved in her community. She participated actively in a number of groups, such as the Schell City High School Alumni Association, Christian Church Ladies Aid, Modern Mothers Club, and Belvoir Club. Her dedication to helping others was demonstrated by her work as a 4-H Project Leader, where she assisted young people with their academic and personal goals.

A Meaningful Life

Winkie was an active and involved person throughout her life, enjoying things like playing ladies fast-pitch softball with the church team until she was 65 years old. She was loved by everyone who encountered her because of her contagious enthusiasm for life, kind smile, and giving nature. Those impacted by Winkie will always carry her legacy of love, generosity, and unshakeable faith in their hearts.

A Heartfelt Goodbye

We find solace in the knowledge that Elma Irene “Winkie” McClanahan’s devoted family and friends will always treasure her memory as we say goodbye to her. Even though she is no longer with us, her spirit will always encourage us to live each day with kindness, love, and grace. Peacefully rest, my sweet Winkie, knowing that you are greatly missed and cherished.