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Des Plaines Fatal Shooting: Active Shooter, Local Schools Placed on Secure Mode at Des Plaines

Shallow depth of field image taken of yellow law enforcement line with police car and lights in the background.

Des Plaines Fatal Shooting: Active Shooter, Local Schools Placed on Secure Mode at Des Plaines

Des Plaines Shooting: In a shocking turn of events today in Des Plaines, Illinois, a shooting incident has led to Orchard Place Elementary and Iroquois Community School being placed in “secure” mode. This decision was taken as a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of the students and staff at both schools.

The Schools’ Response

Orchard Place Elementary and Iroquois Community School responded promptly to the situation, following established protocols for such incidents. Both institutions were placed on secure mode, which means all exterior doors were locked, but classes continued as normal inside. This procedure is often employed when potential threats are identified near school grounds .

Community Impact

This incident has understandably raised concerns among parents, staff, and the broader Des Plaines community. However, local authorities have been swift in their response, aiming to reassure residents that all necessary steps are being taken to ensure public safety .

Ongoing Investigation

The Des Plaines Police Department is currently investigating the shooting. While details about the incident are still emerging, authorities have urged the public to remain calm and patient as they work to unravel the circumstances surrounding the event .


As the community grapples with this unsettling event, it’s crucial to remember the importance of public safety and the role each individual plays in maintaining it. The quick response of Orchard Place Elementary and Iroquois Community School is a stark reminder of the importance of preparedness in times of crisis.