
David Kiprop Obituary News; Missing County ICT Officer Found Dead in Lake Victoria

David Kiprop has been identified as the offivcer who went missing and now found dead. May his soul rest in peace.

After he was found dead, Police officers started investigating his sudden death, as he was known as the assistant ICT officer at the Ministry of Information in Homa Bay county.

David Kiprop reportedly went missing last week on Thursday, July 6, before his body was found floating in Lake Victoria on Wednesday, July 12, 2023. May his soul rest in peace. David’s death body was reportedly found by fishermen operating at Koginga beach,

Berege stated that “We’re expecting to carry out a postmortem to establish exactly what caused his death. The body is currently at Homa Bay Teaching and Referral Hospital mortuary.”

His colleagues, shocked by the news, said he had been missing from work for days before his body was discovered. County ICT officer George Tukiko described Kiprono as a hardworking officer who always lived a secret life.

“We do not know what caused his death. He was last seen in the office on Thursday last week. He was a very reserved and quiet man whom many people knew little about,” Tukiko said.

Investigation is still on going to find the cause of his death. He will be greatly missed by his loved ones and family. May they be strengthened to bear the lost. May his soul rest in peace.

Please feel free to send in your condolence.