
Dave Nabasny, a Dedicated Member of Engage Hope Ministries, Remembered for Profound Impact and Contribution.

Engage Hope Obituary: In a poignant tribute, we remember the profound impact of Dave Nabasny, a dedicated member of Engage Hope Ministries. His unwavering commitment to Uganda and its children, alongside his late wife Stacy, left an indelible mark on the organization. Discover how their legacy of love and service continues to inspire and empower others.

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Engage Hope Obituary: Remembering Dave Nabasny

Today, we gather to remember and honor the life of Dave Nabasny, a beloved member of Engage Hope Ministries. Dave’s presence and contributions to our organization will forever be cherished in our hearts. His unwavering dedication and passion for making a difference have left an indelible mark on Engage Hope and the lives of those we serve.

A Cherished Member of Engage Hope Ministries

Dave Nabasny’s impact on Engage Hope Ministries cannot be overstated. His love for Uganda and its children knew no bounds, and he dedicated countless hours to shaping the mission and vision of our organization. Dave’s commitment to making a positive impact was both heartfelt and inspiring, and his legacy will continue to inspire us as we carry on his work.

A Dedicated Board Member

As a dedicated board member, Dave played a pivotal role in guiding Engage Hope Ministries to become the compassionate and effective ministry it is today. His vision, dedication, and passion for making a difference resonated throughout the organization, and his guidance will be deeply missed. Dave’s legacy lives on through the countless lives touched and transformed by the work of Engage Hope.

The Stacy Nabasny Educational Endowment

The Stacy Nabasny Educational Endowment stands as a powerful testament to the memory and passion of Stacy Nabasny. Stacy’s fervent dedication to Christian education and the well-being of Ugandan children lives on through this enduring fund. It serves as a beacon of hope, ensuring that her legacy continues to touch the lives of those she cared deeply about.

Honoring Stacy’s Memory and Passion

Stacy Nabasny’s impact on Engage Hope Ministries and her commitment to Christian education were truly remarkable. Her unwavering passion and love for the children of Uganda were evident in every endeavor she pursued. The Stacy Nabasny Educational Endowment is a fitting tribute to her life’s work, a reminder of the profound impact she made, and an inspiration for others to continue her mission of empowering young minds.

Donations Directed Towards the Education Endowment

In this difficult time, the Nabasny family has expressed their wish that all donations be directed towards the Stacy Nabasny Educational Endowment. By contributing to this fund, we not only honor the memory of Stacy but also actively participate in the continuation of her life’s work. Every donation made to the Education Endowment serves as a testament to the enduring legacy of love and service that Stacy embodied, ensuring that her impact on the lives of Ugandan children will continue for generations to come.

Dave’s Impact on Engage Hope

The impact that Dave Nabasny had on Engage Hope Ministries cannot be measured. As a dedicated board member, his vision, dedication, and passion for making a difference resonated throughout the organization. Dave’s guidance played a pivotal role in shaping Engage Hope into the compassionate and effective ministry it is today. His legacy lives on through the countless lives that have been touched and transformed by the organization’s work.

Immeasurable Impact as a Board Member

Dave Nabasny’s contributions as a board member of Engage Hope Ministries were truly invaluable. His deep understanding of the organization’s mission and his unwavering commitment to its success were evident in every decision he made. Dave’s vision and leadership helped shape Engage Hope into a beacon of hope for those in need. His impact will continue to be felt for years to come.

The Nabasny Family’s Commitment to Active Participation

The Nabasny family’s commitment to Engage Hope extended far beyond board meetings. Dave’s daughter, Caitlee, exemplified their dedication by actively participating in the ministry’s projects while living in Uganda. Her hands-on involvement and tangible contributions, fueled by love and compassion, are a testament to the enduring commitment of the Nabasny family to making a meaningful impact. Their collective efforts have made a significant difference in the lives of those served by Engage Hope.

The Call to Honor Dave and Stacy

In this time of remembrance, we are called to honor the legacies of Dave and Stacy Nabasny. Their unwavering commitment to Engage Hope Ministries and their passion for making a difference in the lives of Ugandan children serve as an inspiration to us all. Let us come together to honor their memory and continue their life’s work.

Supporting the Stacy Nabasny Educational Endowment

To honor the enduring passion of Stacy Nabasny for Christian education and the empowerment of Ugandan children, we are called to support the Stacy Nabasny Educational Endowment. By contributing to this fund, we ensure that Stacy’s legacy lives on and that her impact continues to touch the lives of those she cared deeply about. Every donation made to the Education Endowment is a testament to the lasting impact of Dave and Stacy’s dedication.

Uniting as a Community to Offer Support

In times of loss, the strength of a community lies in its unity. As friends of Engage Hope, let us come together to support the Nabasny family during this period of grief. Through shared memories, comforting words, and the collective power of our support, we can offer solace to those who are mourning the loss of Dave and, in doing so, continue the legacy of love and service that he and Stacy embodied. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that their impact endures.

Celebrating Lives Well-Lived

Today, as we mourn the passing of Dave Nabasny, let us also take a moment to celebrate the lives that were lived with purpose, passion, and a profound dedication to others. Dave’s legacy, intertwined with Stacy’s, is a shining example of the difference that one person can make in the world. Their impact on Engage Hope Ministries and the lives of Ugandan children is immeasurable, and their memory will forever be etched in our hearts.

A Legacy of Purpose, Passion, and Dedication

Dave and Stacy Nabasny’s lives were defined by their unwavering commitment to making a positive impact. Their love for Uganda and its children knew no bounds, and they dedicated themselves wholeheartedly to the mission of Engage Hope Ministries. Their legacy is one of purpose, passion, and dedication, inspiring us all to strive for a better world. We are grateful for the profound impact they made and the example they set for us to follow.

Ensuring the Enduring Impact of the Educational Endowment

As we navigate the complex emotions that accompany loss, let us find solace in the knowledge that Dave Nabasny’s legacy will forever be etched in the story of Engage Hope Ministries. One way we can ensure that their impact endures is by supporting the Stacy Nabasny Educational Endowment. By contributing to this fund, we not only honor the memory of Dave and Stacy but also actively participate in the continuation of their life’s work. Together, we can ensure that their commitment to Christian education and the well-being of Ugandan children lives on, embodying the enduring spirit of love and service that defined their lives.

Engage Hope mourns the loss of Dave Nabasny, a cherished member who dedicated himself to shaping the mission of the ministry. His profound love for Uganda and its children was evident through his transformative actions. Following the passing of Stacy Nabasny, the family established the Stacy Nabasny Educational Endowment to honor her legacy. In this time of grief, donations are directed towards this fund, serving as a tribute to both Dave and Stacy’s unwavering commitment. Their impact on Engage Hope and the lives they touched resonates deeply, calling us to continue their legacy of love and service. Let us unite in support of the Nabasny family and ensure that their dedication to Christian education and Ugandan children endures. Together, we celebrate lives lived with purpose and strive to carry forward their impactful work.

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