

DARASI Completed Hausa Novel Document Written By Ummu Maher

DARASI is a Hausa love novel written by Ummu Maher. The novel portrays the life of Fahima, a young woman living in a poor household in a Nigerian community. The story revolves around the theme of love and the struggles Fahima faces in finding and maintaining it amidst societal and cultural barriers.


Fahima is burdened with the responsibility of taking care of her younger siblings as her parents are unable to cater to their needs due to financial constraints. Her mother, Amma, is a selfish woman who only cares about money and constantly berates Fahima for not giving her enough. Her father, Mlm, is a caring and loving man who empathizes with his daughter’s struggles but is unable to do much to help her.

The novel highlights the challenges of growing up in a conservative society where women are expected to conform to certain societal norms. Fahima is constantly reminded of her place in society and her role as a woman. Despite this, she dreams of finding love and starting a family. Her first love interest is a man named Akan, who she believes genuinely cares for her. However, Akan is not interested in anything serious and only wants to use Fahima for his own pleasure.

Fahima’s search for love leads her to meet a man named Kenan, who is kind and caring towards her. Their relationship blossoms, but they face several obstacles along the way. Kenan’s family is not pleased with his choice of partner, as Fahima is not from a wealthy background. Additionally, Fahima’s mother disapproves of their relationship and constantly tries to sabotage it.

The novel showcases the complex dynamics of family relationships and the struggles that come with trying to break free from societal norms. Fahima’s journey is one of perseverance and resilience as she fights to break free from the constraints placed upon her by society and her family.

One of the most poignant moments in the novel is when Fahima reveals to her father the abuse that her younger sister Nusaiba is facing at the hands of a predator. The scene is heart-wrenching as Fahima sobs uncontrollably while recounting the story to her father. Mlm is visibly shaken and outraged by what he hears, and the scene highlights the protective instincts of a father towards his child.

DARASI is a beautifully written novel that explores the complexities of love and family dynamics in a conservative society. The novel is a reflection of the struggles that many women face in patriarchal societies and highlights the importance of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity.

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